2016 Purdue Master Gardener State Conference
2016 Purdue Master Gardener State Conference
Photo Contest Guidelines for Entry
· Entries will only be accepted between March 1st and April 30th, 2016.
· Open to Purdue Master Gardeners only at no cost. Attendance at the 2016 Purdue MG State Conference is not required.
· There is a maximum of 3 entries per participant and photos must have been taken by the Master Gardener.
· Photos must exhibit a horticultural or gardening related theme or subject. The 2016 Master Gardener State Conference Committee reserves the right to exclude any photo they deem outside this parameter.
· No copyrighted photos will be accepted.
· Photos will be judged by a professional photographer and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will be announced during the Awards Banquet, Friday, June 17th at 6 pm. Photo entries will be exhibited during the conference, Friday, June 17th.
· Each entry must be submitted as a JPG attachment and e-mailed to John Pickett at pickettvet@yahoo.com by April 30, 2016 with the following information:
o Name of Master Gardener
o E-mail address
o Phone number
o County Name
o County MG Coordinator name
o Title of the photo
Purdue and the Master Gardener Association of Tippecanoe County will reserve the right to publish copies of any photo entered in the contest for the purpose of promoting Purdue Master Gardener events. The digital pictures can be looped and displayed at a central location at the conference.
For additional information, contact John Pickett, Advanced MG, Tippecanoe County, pickettvet@yahoo.com.