Gardening Related Workshops and Other Events
The page will be updated when workshops resume.
Workshops are free and open to the public and are held at the Tippecanoe County Extension Office 1950 South 18th Street.
Registration is not required but would be appreciated. Call the Tippecanoe County Extension Office at 474-0793 or email to reserve your spot.
Public Workshop Coordinator: Open
Master Gardener Public Education Workshop
Feb 22 9 a.m.-noon TCEO
All About Recycling Where, What, and How!! Amy Krzton-Presson (Tippecanoe Solid Waste District)
Using Native Plants for Your Space, After Removing Invasives Mickey Penrod
Tippecanoe County Extension Office
1950 S. 18thStreet, Lafayette, IN
Food Safety Starts @ Planting, and Garden Ergonomics
Presented by Karen Mitchell, Ag & Natural Resources Educator
Workshop Sat April 15, 2017
Saturday March 18 2017 9am-12pm at TCEO Master Gardener Public Education Workshop
1. "A Beekeeper's Year...What it takes to keep honeybees"
Presentation by Doug Jones, Master Gardener since 2007
2. “Planting and Pruning Trees/Shrubs”
Presentation by Robert Jenkins, Jenkins Country Gardens
Wednesday, March 1, 2017 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM EST Meigs Horticulture Research Farm
Snow/Rain Date Wednesday, March 22, 2017 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Eastern Time
Register online at
or contact Karen Mitchell at 765-474-0793 on or before February 22 2017.
Saturday Feb 18 2017 9am-12pm Master Gardener Public Education Workshop
1. Topic: “Basics of Landscape Design” Presentation will cover the design process, the features and principles in landscape design, and how to apply this knowledge. Also, handout about companion plants.
Speaker: Amy Krause, Nursery Designer at Bennett’s Greenhouse and
2. Topic: “Garden Resources - books, websites, nurseries to visit, and more”
Speaker: Lynn Layden, Master Gardener since 1997
Fruit Pruning Workshop
Wednesday, March 9 2016 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Eastern Time Meigs Horticulture Research Farm
March 19 9 a.m.-noon
Tower Garden and How the Aeroponics Growing System Works
Austin Kasso
Farm to Table: The Importance of Healthy Nutritional Food
Kirsten Serran
February 13 9 a.m.-noon
How to Start A Vegetable Garden
Jerry Millard & Karen Mitchell
January 9 2016 9 a.m.-noon
Edible Landscaping
Rae Schnapp
Urban Farmers
Ian Thompson Rae will talk on edible landscaping as it relates to land, soil, plant materials, sustainable communities, supporting urban farmers, and the urban farmer’s co-op.
Ian will talk about Tippecanoe Urban Farmers, their philosophy, their purpose, how they got started, when they get together, benefits of urban gardening, where they plant, what they plant, and their success.
September 1, 2015 Monthly Meeting and Hoedown
TCEO 5:30 p.m. Social Time - 6:00 Dinner - 7:00 presentation - 8:00 meeting

August 4 7 p.m. TCEO 6:30 p.m. Social Time
Forty Years of Growing Succulent Plants
Dan DeCarlo
Meeting follows.
July 6 7 p.m. TCEO 6:30 p.m. Social Time
Iris Gardens
Master Gardener Barb and Dr. Chuck Bunnell
If you love irises, you won’t want to miss this presentation. Not just a hobby for these two; well, maybe a hobby that grew into a love for growing and hybridizing irises. Additionally, Chuck has been a judge at iris shows for 15 years. They will also be telling us about an international iris event right here in 2017.
Meeting follows - NOTE: This is a Monday meeting.